devil hills establishments
💠 indicates that a business is owned or associated with a town family.
🌟 comes before the member that has claim over the business.
📍 indicates a location that cannot be owned by a member.
➕ means the business has an additional business attached.
businesses & locations
💠 arbaugh funeral home and services 🌟 crossroads
the arbaugh family is one of the oldest and largest families in peculiar, oregon. they have a monopoly on funeral services though they have two other locations outside of their main building in devil hills. they take care of deceased loved ones with the utmost respect. they are active within the peculiar community and they are known for being reasonable and fair about the prices they charge families in town.

📍 the coven barn
the coven barn information can be found on the lore page.

the crowtel 🌟 cushy
every town needs its cheap, dingy hotel and the crowtel is it. locals know the crowtel as a popular place to go for a quick and private rendezvous. tourists that stay at the crowtel are often on the poorer side, looking to stretch their vacation budget as far as possible. reviews of the crowtel aren't great, not because of their amenities but because of the odd occurrences visitors experience during their stays. tourists believe it is the owners of the hotel playing tricks but locals believe the crowtel is extremely haunted.

fuel good repairs 🌟 unclaimed
founded in 2000, fuel good repairs is an american retailer of aftermarket automotive parts and accessories, and the largest in peculiar, oregon.

📍 graymire middle school (6 - 8)
this middle school is located in graymire. the kids of graymire, devil hills & phantom point attend this location. the mascot for graymire middle is a salmon.

💠 the hill house 🌟 thud
the hill house information can be found on the lore page.

💠 the love shack confiture
the love shack is living two lives. owned by the decker family, the love shack sells an array of beautiful jewelry made by the decker family and several other families in nantucket. from children's jewelry to charm bracelets to engagement rings, the love shack serves all jewelry needs. the back side of the store has a password that travels through trusted word of mouth. the decker family magic ability allows them to create enchanted items and they dabble in selling sensual potions to heighten love making experiences and emotions as well as other fun toys for adult play only. they make custom everything for their favorite clients.

💠 the peculiar casino 🌟 (owned by two families, langley/zimmerman)
the peculiar casino information can be found on the lore page.

📍 peculiar cemetery
the peculiar cemetery information can be found on the lore page.

📍 peculiar police department
the peculiar police department has four stations in town with one located in downtown, devil hills, forge ridge and alderburg. (all cops are npcs and can not be played).

📍 peculiar west high (9 - 12)
this high school is located in graymire. the kids of graymire, devil hills and phantom point attend this location. the mascot for graymire middle is a ghost grizzly.

💠 the night howlers 🌟 unclaimed
the the night howlers motorcycle club is an outlaw motorcycle club. the club was originally formed in peculiar, oregon, in 2002 by a patriarch of the mcdowell family after he joined a small biker gang trying to do good within their community. their logo is a wolf wielding a blade with the tip broken off. their colors are black and red.

nighthunts 🌟 unclaimed
come join peculiar's most hardcore and intense ghost hunting club. this local group hunts ghosts and all supernatural beings until the sun comes up, multiple nights a week.

📍 south elementary (1 - 5)
this elementary school is located in graymire. the kids of graymire, devil hills and phantom point attend this location.