📍 alderburg middle school (6 - 8)
this middle school is located in alderburg. the kids of the alderburg, dead ridge, downtown and forge ridge attend this location. the mascot for alderberg middle is a beaver.
catfe 🌟
the catfe is peculiar's only cat cafe in town. catfe is a unique pet boutique and cat café which features a jungle themed playroom, bamboo zen room, and enclosed outdoor catio. visitors can learn, play, and lounge with our cats, all of which are adoptable and looking for love.
forge pool 🌟 unclaimed
forge pool was opened in 1995 to the general public of peculiar with affordable memberships for all families in town. it is said to have opened as a direct result of the public pool in graymire, launching with prices that most residents outside of graymire could not afford. most of the town saw this as an attempt to keep them out, and took offense with forge ridge stepping up with a more inclusive option.
📍 forge ridge fire department
firefighters are the fire department are mostly volunteers. they not only fight fires but they're called out often to help with hauntings even though most aren't equipped to help. they spend more time rescuing people (not cats) from trees in peculiar forest who swear ghosts put them there. there is one fire department in each precinct for safety.
ghouls & gays 🌟 unclaimed
while peculiar is generally an inclusive and welcoming place, g&g is the safest and most comfortable place for the lgbtq+ community to kick back. ghouls and gays welcomes everyone looking to drink, dance and make friends.
loomis 🌟
this bar is always filled with a mix of college students and tourists but occasionally their open mic nights, billiard events and other community outreach activities draw in the locals.
the magic slab 🌟 unclaimed
the magic slab is a homemade ice cream & fudge parlor located on campus. they sell all homemade fudge, ice cream, milkshakes, smoothies and custard - presenting every classic flavor anyone with a sweet tooth could desire. every week they have a unique flavor to draw people back to try their new creations.
nightmare tabletop 🌟
tabletop games are extremely popular in peculiar. this business serves as a cafe during the day and a bar at night and is house to hundreds of tabletop games. nightmare tabletop not only serves as a place for groups to meet and play games, it hosts d&d nights for beginners as well as other nights for longtime players to join different campaigns in need.
nobody's darling 🌟
nobody's darling is a comfortable and mood setting lesbian bar. while everyone is welcome to come in for a drink, it specifically caters to peculiar's lgbtq women. management strives to provide a comfortable, safe space for women to meet new people and not have to worry about harassment or being hit on by drunk men.
📍 north elementary (1 - 5)
this elementary school is located in alderburg. the kids of the alderburg, dead ridge, downtown and forge ridge attend this location.
📍 peculiar east high (9 - 12)
this high school is located in dead ridge. the kids of the alderburg, dead ridge, downtown and forge ridge attend this location. the mascot for east high is a phantom.
📍 peculiar historical society
the peculiar historical society is a small house located close to the college. it holds and protects town artifacts, newspaper archives, books and historical documents. it was founded in 1950 and is always ran and maintained by four trusted residents referred to as "keepers".
📍 peculiar police department
the peculiar police department has four stations in town, one located in historic downtown, devil hills, forge ridge and alderburg. (all cops are npcs and can not be played).
📍peculiar post
located in three neighborhoods (downtown historic, forge ridge and alderburg) the peculiar post office is a longstanding and efficient service in town.
📍 peculiar university
located in forge ridge, this university offers a wide variety of two and four year degree options. many out of town and out of state students choose peculiar university for its stellar engineering program and reputation for being a top tier school in the state of oregon. it is also home to many helpful trade programs for those who do not wish to spend years in school.
the pin heads 🌟 unclaimed
this local bowling alley boasts 54 lanes, the best fried food in forge ridge and an arcade to impress any gamer in town. pin heads is family friendly and offers affordable party packages, glow in the dark bowling and more!
💠 puppy pizzeria 🌟 unclaimed
this business is currently closed and abandoned. information about puppy pizzeria can be found on the
lore page.
💠 the siren salon 🌟
the siren salon opened in 2017 and is locally owned by crowley family. the salon employs only crowley women and they all have a magic touch. the salon offers all hair related needs and services including "secret menu" services. these secret services involve magic performed by the witchy employees who have, in their opinion, mastered beauty spells that work better and more naturally than any other product can offer.